The success story of automation

News > The success story of automation

Published in Géroscopie

No. 3. The hygiene combination

March 2020, nursing homes are hit hard by the Covid-19. Residents and staff were falling ill.
No personal protective equipment, overdue sanitary protocols, improvised Covid sectors on each corridor or floor.

More than a year later, on 29 June, Les Echos focuses in on an (economic) effect of the epidemic: the explosion in sales of Oxy’Pharm’s Nocospray machine: “Orders were coming in faster than the machines were going out,” says Romain Rouleau, Managing Director of the family business specialising in airborne surface bio-disinfection. + 350% growth in turnover by 2020!

A success story which is based on automation without compromising on eco-responsibility. It has made all sensitive operations methodical: disinfecting all high surfaces and all objects that can be touched or handled, bed rails, armchairs, night tables, handrails, remote controls, doorbells, door handles or decontamination of the Covid sectors when they are closed and of the common areas when they are reopened. With a procedure reduced to its most simple expression: program the volume of the room to be treated (from 10 to 1,000 m3) and press the button!